The Race Is Not For The Swift! | Thoughtful Thursdays

Hey guys,
I hope you are all well
This post came to mind as I was reflecting on my life and some of the things I see on an everyday basis
Today, my focus is on the race not being for the swift but rather for the slow and steady
I'm sure most of us are familiar with story of the hare and the tortoise and how the hare thought that he could win the race simply because he was faster.
A lot of the time we compare our own progress to that of our friends and family
I am definitely guilty of this crime and I used to compare myself so much that at a point, I went from making slow but gradual progress to being completely stagnant
I would compare my grades to what my friends got at school, I would lower my own self esteem when all my friends went to university a year before me, and even when I started university and decided that I may not necessarily be on the right path for where I aspire to be in the future, I condemned myself all the more because everyone else seemed to have it all figured out and I was constantly changing my mind
I know there are lots of people that compare themselves for similar reasons or maybe even different reasons but the best advice I could ever give to anyone is to focus on your own race
It doesn't matter how long you take to finish the race and what hurdles you may encounter as you head for the finish line, the most important thing is that you finish that race
Although I am fully aware that this is easier said than done and I do still find myself feeling down sometimes because of this, my source, drive and motivation to keep going regardless of anyone else's progress is that one day I will get to where I want to be and the only way that will happen is if I carry on.

I hope this helped and encouraged somebody


Ohemaa Renelle


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Hi, I’m Renelle. I’m a 21 year old beauty, lifestyle and fashion blogger living in England. Join me as I share my experiences, favourites, fashion, beauty, lifestyle and more.



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