A friendship is relationship between friends where mutual trust and support is established.
It should be free flowing and natural. It shouldn't feel like it's forced.
The one thing that I know for sure is that friendship is not about who you've known the longest (trust me, I learnt that the hard way).
Its about who is there for you both in your time of joy and in your time of sorrow.
Obviously as friends you're bound to have disagreements and sometimes you might well irritate the crap out of each other but a true friendship can withstand the trails of arguments and look past them and move on.
I have barely any friends which some people find peculiar.
I think that the word friend is so strong and profound the title of a friend has to be earned. Being my friend means that I feel comfortable to share things about myself with you. Sometimes we miss out being acquaintances and jump straight to being friends then wonder why we didn't really know how the other person was until an incident occurred.
Some friendships however, form straight away. These friendships are the ones that I have found last the longest because you naturally click with the other person almost like you're in sync with each other.
Like I say to a lot of people, not everyone you call your friend is your friend and some friends are only meant to last for a particular period in your life and once that period is over, so is the friendship.
Don't hold on to a friend just because you've known them your whole life or for a really long time, hold on to the friends that inspire, motivate and empower you and are there for you regardless of the season you are in, in life.
Ohemaa Renelle
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