Is There A Right Age To Get Married? | Thoughtful Thursdays

In the African society, if you are 23 and below thinking about marriage you are told "you're too young to be thinking about marriage/to get married. You're not mature enough to get married just focus on your education." If you are above 25 and you're not married yet you are told "you're getting old now, are you not going to get married?" 

When I was around 15, I decided that I wanted to get married at 23. I'm nearing that age now, but I won't be devastated if I don't get married at 23 nor will I get married to just anyone at 23 so I can fulfil that aspiration. 

I think that you should definitely start praying about the kind of husband/wife you want and maintaining the standards you desire in your partner and not compromising/settling because of their outward appearance from a young age so that by the time you enter a proper relationship you'll know whether the person you're with is for you or not. 

I believe that every marriage should have Christ in the middle of it. A lot of times, people confuse marriage with the wedding. What we don't realise is that the wedding is only the celebration of two people coming together to become one and that the wedding day itself is essentially the first day of the beginning of the rest of your life with that person.

Sometimes it is easy to compromise you're standards because maybe you think you're getting too old or all your friends are in relationships and you're not but the most important thing to understand is that God's plan for your friends lives is not the same plan for your life so you shouldn't do what everyone else is doing just to fit in.

I don't believe that there is a right age to get married, if it's in God's will for you to marry at a certain age then so be it. You could be 21 or 67 as long as its in line with God's plan for your life that's all that matters. However, I believe that it is important to have financial and mental stability before embarking on your marriage journey as you need to be able to support your family, a marriage is something you constantly work at and if you're not mentally ready to be able to deal with some of the challenges that come your way during marriage you may be more likely to quit rather than work through your issues with your partner.

I asked a male friend of mine what his view was on this topic as I wanted to show a male perspective.

Do you think there is a right age to get married and what do you think about setting standards that you require your partner to meet?

"Yes, the right age is when you are established both financially and mentally... which is normally between 26 and 30. The standard is marry someone like you, same hunger, same ambition. A lady that will get up and go to work and not wait for me to do everything and provide"

I'm not an expert in relationships or marriage but this is my take on it.


Ohemaa Renelle

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